Thursday, April 1, 2010

Apr. 1 (Day 91) - Goodbye Sunshine

Cassie was home again.  We both just lounged around not feeling great.  My one job for the day was to get a picture of the sunset.  It was beautiful and sunny all day.  The temperature was near 70 degrees.  But no luck on the sunset.  It had to get cloudy right around that time.

I ran my foot into the ottoman in the kitchen this morning.  Do other people break two toes in 3 weeks time?  Somehow, I don't think so.


  1. Aw crap!!! Poor toes! That made my toes twinge just reading it!

  2. Hi Judy, thanks for your comments about Aaron's pictures...I saw that your two favorites are the poses he struck all by himself, when he decided he was sick of smiling! :)
